Husband and I were at Tang Freres supermarket in the 13th arrondissement. He put into my basket two packs of Khong Guan Lemon Puff Biscuit. Not enough, I said, so he trotted off to get two more.
Five days later, we were down to ONE packet! Never mind, we'll buy some more at Belleville come the weekend. Alamak, the supermarket we were at were out of Lemon Puffs. We settled for Orange Creams, which was not even half as good. Next time......
Goes to show that old habits die hard. We may enjoy the novelty of pure butter French biscuits in the beginning, but these days the snack stash is made up mostly of Japanese rice crackers, Ika Peanuts, Korean shrimp crackers and even Pringles. BTW, the Pringles here are tasty, unlike the icky made-in-Thailand/China versions back home.